Beatrice Andrews

Deputy Director, Cities & Local Growth Unit at Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Deputy Director, Cities & Local Growth Unit, DLUHC
Policy Fellow Alumna, Centre for Science and Policy

Beatrice is Deputy Director in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. There, she is responsible for portfolio management of a suite of funding programmes that support the government’s levelling up agenda – a hugely varied role covering governance, risk, financial management, monitoring and evaluation and communications. This includes three projects on the Government Major Projects Portfolio and Beatrice is currently taking part in the government’s Major Projects Leadership Academy run by the Oxford Said Business School. Beatrice was previously responsible for the Towns Fund and a programme of Local Industrial Strategies.

Before joining DLUHC, Beatrice worked at the Cabinet Office, setting up the UK Policy Lab to bring design, data and digital methods to the civil service and bringing people and their experience directly into the policy-making process. Prior to that, Beatrice held a variety of roles including establishing one of the first Social Investment programmes in government, and as head of policy at the National Lottery Community Fund.