Caitlin Kearney

at Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge

Policy Intern, Centre for Science and Policy & MA Student of Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology, Technical University of Munich

Caitlin joined CSaP in October 2022 as part of a 3-month internship.

She is a graduate student of Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology at the department of Science, Technology and Society at the Technical University of Munich. She is interested in social science research, technology policy, virtual worlds, innovation ecosystems, cybersecurity, and privacy. She also enjoys researching and experimenting with multi-media science communication.

Previously, Caitlin completed two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Florida, in 2017. She graduated cum laude in History with a minor in Asian Studies in the School of Liberal Arts. And also finished cum laude in Digital Arts and Sciences at the UF Digital Worlds institute, where she also co-founded a student organization for technologists and artists. During her studies, Caitlin also interned at a serious (applied) game L3C start-up. Afterward, she worked briefly in education technology in San Francisco then pursued a 6-year career in user research, product, service, and experience design at a global consulting company in Germany before beginning her studies in Science and Technology Studies.

  • In news articles

    Applying systems thinking to policy making

    In November 2022, the Centre for Science and Policy delivered a series of policy workshops on how to apply systems thnking to policy making. These workshops brought together policy makers and experts to discuss health systems, physical infrastructure, and conflict.