Analyst, RAND Europe
Dr Chris Giacomantonio is an analyst at RAND Europe. He has experience in project management roles overseeing work for the College of Policing, the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the Ministry of Justice, and the Department of Health. He has particular expertise in qualitative methods, having undertaken extensive fieldwork and interview research in his postgraduate work as well as having taught research methods courses and NVivo workshops at Oxford and RAND.
His broader research work has included survey, demographic, and other statistical analysis for policy audiences at the local and national levels. Dr Giacomantonio has taken part in research teams dealing with issues including policing, counterterrorism, youth justice, violence and public order, migration, and municipal planning. He has also organized a number of events encouraging knowledge exchange between researchers and police practitioners in the UK.
He holds a D.Phil. in criminology from the University of Oxford, where he studied inter- and intra-organizational coordination in public policing. He also holds a master's degree in sociology from Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) and a B.A. in Criminology from Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Canada).