Analyst, RAND Europe
Gavin Cochrane is an Analyst at RAND Europe. Since joining RAND he has worked on a variety of national and international projects, primarily focussed on global health and international development. He has managed a number of evaluations of research capacity building interventions in sub-Saharan Africa, for clients including the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and the Wellcome Trust.
He has also worked more broadly on several development projects, including a number of evaluations for DFID on their research programmes, a study examining the contextual factors involved with ARV-based prevention strategies for HIV/AIDS and mapping the neglected disease research landscape for the European & Developing Country Clinical Trial Partnership (EDCTP).
He has significant experience of qualitative research techniques, including interviews, literature reviews and survey design, ExpertLens, and a sound grasp of quantitative methods, including network analysis, value-for-money assessments and GIS. He also has conducted fieldwork, including interviews, workshops and focus groups in a range of countries, including Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Vietnam.
Prior to joining RAND Europe, Gavin completed a B.A. in economics and Japanese from the University of Leeds and an M.Sc. in Asian studies from Lund University in Sweden.