Helen Evans

Head of Cyber Crime Policy at Home Office

Head of Cyber Crime Policy, Home Office

Helen leads the Home Office cyber crime policy team. Her role includes oversight of relevant strategy and legislation as well as managing a programme of investment in the law enforcement response to cyber crime.

Helen has tackled a wide range of policy challenges across Government, from how to do international development in conflict zones (2004-6), to joining up the Government’s strategy in Afghanistan (2007-9), to the creation of the National Crime Agency (2012-13) and the PM’s Economic Crime Review (2017).

She lives in London with her husband and their two children.

  • 26 June 2019, 9:30am

    CSaP Annual Conference 2019

    CSaP's Annual Conference will bring together members of our network from government, academia and elsewhere to discuss some of the policy challenges we have worked on over the past year.

  • In news articles

    Countering Cybercrime in the 21st Century

    How is cybercrime affecting our world and what can be done to counter it?