Dr Peter Ochieng

DeepMind Research Fellow at Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge


Peter Ochieng is an inaugural DeepMind Research Fellow in the Computer Science and Technology department at the University of Cambridge whose technical expertise is Natural Language Processing (NLP) focusing on low resource languages. NLP is crucial to how humans interact with applications in different domains such as health, agriculture and Information and Communication Technology. While a lot of work has been done on different domains of NLP such as machine translation and question answering, the majority of it has focused on understanding Western languages such as English. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) indigenous languages remains grossly behind in NLP techniques.

Peter is focused on designing novel NLP techniques that are non-data hungry to address different facets of NLP focusing on SSA languages. This will allow SSA people to enjoy services of life changing applications like the Western world.

Prior to this, Peter worked on how to integrate information encoded in different biomedical ontologies.