Formerly known as the Computer Laboratory, the Department of Computer Science and Technology is located at the William Gates Building on JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge.


Professor Alastair Beresford

Professor of Computer Security and Head of Department

Professor Alan Blackwell

Professor of Interdisciplinary Design

Alex Bradbury

PhD candidate

Professor Ted Briscoe

Professor of Computational Linguistics

Professor Paula Buttery

Professor of Computer Science and Technology

Dr Andrew Caines

Senior Research Associate

Dr Amir Chaudhry

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr Stephen Clark

Professor in Natural Language Processing

Dr Richard Clayton

Security Researcher

Professor Jon Crowcroft

Professor of Communications Systems

Professor Anuj Dawar

Professor of Logic and Algorithms

Damiano Di-Francesco-Maesa

Research Associate

Krittika D'Silva

phd student

Dr Richard Gibbens

Professor in Network Modelling

Professor Hatice Gunes

Head of Affective Intelligence & Robotics Lab

Dr Steven Hand

Senior Lecturer

Dr Rob Harle

University Associate Professor

Daniel Hugenroth

PhD Researcher

Professor Alice Hutchings

Professor of Emergent Harms, Security Group

Heleen Janssen

Research Associate & Associate Lecturer

Dr Andrea Kells

Research and Partnerships Facilitator

Professor Srinivasan Keshav

Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science

Professor Neil Lawrence

DeepMind Professor of Machine Learning

Professor Ian Leslie

Professor of Computer Science

Dr Pietro Lio'

Professor in Computational Biology

Joycelyn Longdon

PhD Researcher

Professor Anil Madhavapeddy

Professor of Planetary Computing

Professor Cecilia Mascolo

Professor in Mobile Systems

Dr David Modic

Research Associate

Professor Simon Moore

Professor of Computer Engineering

Dr Sarah Morgan

Senior Research Associate

Dr Prakash Murali

Associate Professor

Dr Steven Murdoch

Visiting Researcher in the Security Group

Dr Peter Ochieng

DeepMind Research Fellow

Professor Lawrence Paulson

Professor of Computational Logic

Dr Amanda Prorok

University Associate Professor

Dr Andrew Rice

University Associate Professor

Dr Peter Robinson

Professor of Computer Technology

Dr Arjuna Sathiaseelan

Former Senior Research Associate

Dr Sue Sentance

Director of the Raspberry Pi Computing Education Research Centre

Kumar Sharad

PhD candidate

Dr Jatinder Singh

Senior Research Fellow and Affiliated Lecturer, Computer Laboratory

Dr Quentin Stafford-Fraser

Research Associate

Professor Frank Stajano

Professor of Security and Privacy

Dr Dirk Trossen

Senior Researcher

Dr Jamie Vicary

Associate Professor

Andreas Vlachos

Professor of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

Dr Robert Watson

University Associate Professor, Security Group

Konrad Witaszczyk

Research Associate

Dr Eiko Yoneki

EPSRC Research Fellow