Dr Sam Nallaperuma

at Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge


Research Associate in Machine Learning for Optical Fibre Communication Systems, Department of Engineering

Sam is a Research Associate at the FOCSLab, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

Her current research within the EPSRC Transnet project includes applications of artificial intelligence and optimisation techniques to improve network performance in terms of efficiency and energy consumption in optical networks.

Her collaborative works with the University of Exeter, City Science and University of Sheffield have contributed in improving energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in road and rail transport networks.

Within academia, Sam contributes as the communications and intelligent systems postdoctoral theme lead for the Electrical Engineering Division, the Cambridge representative for Transnet virtual laboratory, and as a reviewer, programme community member and workshop organiser for academic conferences and journals.

Outside academia, she contributes to the wider community as a co-founder of Sumithra, a charitable foundation to support the education of school students from disadvantaged backgrounds and to achieve net zero carbon goals through collaborates with Cambridge Zero.

Through the Borysiewicz Fellowship Sam aims to develop her research and charitable programmes further and collaborate with the Fellows to support other research, entrepreneurial and charitable projects.

Sam Nallaperuma | Department of Engineering (cam.ac.uk)