Sarion Bowers

Head of Policy and Advocacy at Wellcome Sanger Institute

Head of Policy, Wellcome Sanger Institute

Sarion Bowers is the Head of Policy for the Wellcome Sanger Institute, where she provides advice and guidance to researchers, leislators, policy makers on bioethics, research regulation and science policy. She was originally a research scientist with expertise in DNA packaging and gene regulation before changing careers and specialising in science and technology policy relating to genomics. Sarion has a particular interest in the ethical, legal and societal issues that arise from the use of genomics in the clinic and the development of new geenomic technologies, including genome editing.

  • 18 June 2024, 9:30am

    2024 CSaP Annual Conference

    The Royal Society played host to a successful Annual Conference, where experts from academia, policy, and civil society and others from CSaP's network gathered to explore the future of science and technology in the UK.

  • 28 June 2018, 9am

    Expertise, trust and public policy

    Expertise, trust and public policy. The 2018 CSaP Annual Conference will be held at the Royal Society on 28 June.