
2024 CSaP Annual Conference

18 June 2024, 9:30am


CSaP Annual Conference: UK science and technology for innovation, growth and society

The Royal Society, London

18 June 2024

Download the full programme here

The future of science and technology in the UK


  • Chair: Hetan Shah, Chief Executive, British Academy
  • Andrew Griffith, Former Minister of State for Science, Research and Innovation
Panel discussion
Read the report and listen to the talk and panel discussion here

Parallel seminars

1) Envisaging a quantum future
To listen to the discussion and to read our report click here

2) Nature recovery – making it happen
  • Chair: Dame Fiona Reynolds, Deputy Chair of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission; Chair of Governors at the Royal Agricultural University
  • Matthew Gould, CEO, Zoological Society of London
  • Jo Lucas, Capability Improvement Director, Co-Cre8 Ltd
  • Silviu Petrovan, Senior Researcher, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge
To listen to the discussion and to read our report click here

3) Retrofitting to decarbonise housing
  • Chair: Becci Taylor, Director and Retrofit at Scale Business Leader, Arup
  • Ronita Bardhan, Associate Professor of Sustainability in the Build Environment, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
  • Shaun Fitzgerald, Director, Centre for Climate Repair, University of Cambridge
To read our report click here

4) How will AI transform the education experience?
  • Chair: Anna Vignoles, Director, Leverhulme Trust
  • Kevin Martin, Managing Director, Digital Education Futures Initiative, University of Cambridge
  • Imogen Casebourne, Research Lead, Digital Education Futures Initiative, University of Cambridge
To listen to the discussion and to read our report click here

5) Is supporting green investment for the UK really a growth strategy?
To listen to the discussion click here

6) Institutional capacity for regional and economic social development
  • Chair: Nicola Buckley, Director, Fellowships and Networks, CSaP
  • Andrew Westwood, Professor of Government Practice, University of Manchester
  • Owen Garling, Knowledge Transfer Facilitator, Bennett Institute for Public Policy
  • Alison Clarke, Capacity and Capabilities Research Associate, Insights North East
To listen to the discussion and to read our report click here

Future directions for the research-policy interface
  • Closing remarks by Nicola Buckley, Director, Fellowships and Networks, CSaP
To listen to the discussion and to read our report click here

Dr Ronita Bardhan

Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge

Dr Alison Clarke

Insights North East

Dr Carolina Feijao

Royal Academy of Engineering

Dr Shaun Fitzgerald

Centre for Climate Repair

Owen Garling

Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge

Matthew Gould

Zoological Society of London

Dr Alicia Greated

Campaign for Science and Engineering in the UK (CASE)

Andrew Griffith

Shadow Cabinet

Dr Helena Knowles

Department of Physics, University of Cambridge

Jo Lucas


Dr Kevin Martin

Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI), University of Cambridge

Dr Silviu Petrovan

Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge

Dr Anna Valero

Centre for Economic Performance, LSE

Professor Andy Westwood

University of Manchester

Dimitri Zenghelis

Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge

Dr Rob Doubleday

Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge

Nick Godfrey

Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment. LSE

Dame Fiona Reynolds

National Audit Office

Hetan Shah

British Academy

Dr Hayaatun Sillem

Royal Academy of Engineering

Professor Anna Vignoles

The Leverhulme Trust

Professor Anne Adams

The Open University

Dr Nick Cosstick

Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge

Dr Ramit Debnath

Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge

Professor Dame Theresa Marteau

Behaviour and Health Research Unit (BHRU), University of Cambridge

Professor Campbell Middleton

Laing O'Rourke Centre for Construction Engineering & Technology

  • In news articles

    Is supporting green investment for the UK really a growth strategy? CSaP Annual Conference 2024

    On 18 June, ahead of the election of the new Labour government, Nick Godfrey, Distinguished Policy Fellow at the Grantham Institute, chaired a panel at the CSaP Annual Conference at The Royal Society in London. The panel included Dimitri Zenghelis, Niva Thiruchelvum, and Anna Valero, who discussed whether green investment for the UK is really a growth strategy?