Stephen Elderkin

Director of Environmental Sustainability at National Highways

Director of Environmental Sustainability, Highways England
Continuing Policy Fellow, Centre for Science and Policy

Stephen took up the position of Director of Environmental Sustainability at Highways England in November 2021. Previously, Stephen was Chief Analyst for Highways England, when he had responsibility for advising and assuring value for money from investment in England’s Strategic Road Network. Highways England was established in 2015 and was given substantially increased delegations and responsibilities. Stephen built a new analytical team of transport planners, economists, operational researchers and evaluation experts to set the standards and provide the analytical advice and assurance for decision makers. He has a decade of experience as a Government Economist. Prior to joining Highways England he worked in central departments (Defra, DECC, BIS) with a particular focus on environmental policy.

  • 18 June 2024, 9:30am

    2024 CSaP Annual Conference

    The Royal Society played host to a successful Annual Conference, where experts from academia, policy, and civil society and others from CSaP's network gathered to explore the future of science and technology in the UK.

  • 6 February 2024, 4pm

    Nature recovery networks - 6 Feb 2024

    In partnership with National Highways, CSaP organised a Policy Workshop on Nature recovery networks and habitat connectivity in the UK. You can download the report from our website.