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Subscribe to RSS15 February 2022
Behaviour change and sustainability
CSaP in collaboration with Professor Charles Kennel, Director Emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, delivered the 2022 series of climate change seminars hosted by Christ’s College, Cambridge. The second seminar chaired by Dr Rob Doubleday – CSaP Executive Director – explored how behavioural science can inform policymaking to improve sustainability and help reach net zero.
15 February 2022
Sustainable finance, risk and transition to clean technology
CSaP in collaboration with Professor Charles Kennel, Director Emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, delivered the 2022 series of climate change seminars hosted by Christ’s College, Cambridge. The first focused on sustainable finance, risk, and the transition to clean technology. It was chaired by Emily Farnworth, Co-Director, Hughes Hall Centre for Climate Engagement, with two panellists: Michael Liebreich, Chairman and CEO, Liebreich Associates, and Emily Shuckburgh, Director of Cambridge Zero at University of Cambridge.
20 January 2022
Life in the Anthropocene
CSaP’s Horn Fellows hosted an evening event for academics and policy makers, in conjunction with Cambridge Zero. Howard Covington, Chair of the Alan Turing Institute, discussed the history of the Anthropocene, an unofficial term for the geological period we are currently living in, and his projections for the future.
17 December 2021
Geoengineering – can it combat climate change?
CSaP’s Horn Fellows gathered at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, for a series of meetings with academics and industry professionals, on the topic of geoengineering. Geoengineering can be described as large-scale interventions to the Earth’s climate system, designed to counteract climate change.
2 November 2021
Net zero
The final panel session of the Centre for Science and Policy’s (CSaP) annual reception 2021 discussed net zero ambitions. It was chaired by Dr Rob Doubleday, the Centre’s Executive Director with panellists; Dr Christina Peñasco, Lecturer in Public Policy, Cambridge and Dr Matthew Agarwala, Economist at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy, Cambridge.
14 October 2021
Climate change and the economy: what COP26 needs to know
With weeks to go until COP26, CSaP's Executive Director Rob Doubleday talks to two of Cambridge's leading economists Dr Matthew Agarwala and Dr Cristina Peñasco, about what leaders need to know and do, to delivery a clean, green recovery. The event was hosted as part of the University of Cambridge's Alumni Festival 2021.
1 May 2020
Soil Health in the United Kingdom
What would an agricultural soil plan for the UK look like and which measures would we use to monitor its effectiveness? Do we know enough about soil and soil health indicators to be able to operationalize policies that would ensure that soil health is looked after and which would ensure that land gives us the kind of benefits that we collectively decide we want?
10 March 2019
Strategies for achieving serious international cooperation on climate change
In the final seminar of the series, David Victor, Professor of International Relations and Co-director, Laboratory on International Law and Regulation, UC San Diego, discusses the current state of international cooperation on climate change and how to make it more effective.
5 March 2019
Solutions to Climate Change; by the People, for the People
In this seminar, Craig Bennett, CEO at Friends of the Earth, explains the importance of engaging and empowering the public in the fight against climate change.
26 February 2019
How business is learning to cooperate in pursuit of climate action
In the first of this year’s Christ's Climate Seminars, Eliot Whittington, Development Director at Cambridge’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership, talked about how business is learning to cooperate in pursuit of climate action.