
Annual Conference Virtual Seminar Series: Serious Organised Crime

25 June 2020, 11am

This year instead of holding a one-day annual conference in London, we will be delivering a series of virtual seminars in May and June on topics that CSaP and our network have worked on over the past year. Invited experts will offer insights into some of the latest research that has the potential to inform decisions taken by policy makers.
The eighth virtual seminar in this series will be on the topic of Serious Organised Crime: Answering the Home Office’s call for evidence.

Date: 25 June 2020

Time: 11:00-12:30 on Zoom

Host: Dr Tristram Riley-Smith

It has been 18 months since the Home Office combined the launch of its Serious Organised Crime Strategy with a call for evidence. Researchers can impact on Government’s highest priorities, improving the evidence base on which policy choices are made and targeting resources on the most important risks and vulnerabilities.

Our three panellists are well-placed to review progress from three different perspectives: Jenny Parfrement-Hopkins, the Head of Home Office’s SOC Research Team, will set the scene; Keith Ditcham (a retired Police Officer now running RUSI’s Organised Crime and Policing Directorate), will describe the work of the Strategic Hub on Organised Crime that has brought researchers, policy makers and practitioners together; and Professor Mark Button (Director of the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies at the University of Portsmouth) will illustrate the contribution that academics have made to the Home Office mission.

Confirmed speakers
  • Professor Mark Button - Founder and Director of the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth
  • Keith Ditcham - Senior Research Fellow and (Acting) Director, RUSI’s Organised Crime and Policing Research Group
  • Jenny Parfrement-Hopkins - Lead Analyst for Organised Crime Research, Analysis and Insight, Home Office Analysis and Insight directorate
How to register

Registration for this seminar has now closed.

For more details on other seminars in this series, please visit our annual conference webpage.

Banner image: EU Naval Force

Professor Mark Button

Centre for Counter Fraud Studies at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth

Keith Ditcham

Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI)

Dr Tristram Riley-Smith

Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge