
The values and valuation of natural capital

13 October 2010


Last year the Centre for Science and Policy and the Cambridge Conservation Initiative ran a workshop for Defra and DfID on The Valuation of Ecosystems Services. The participants discussed ecosystems and how they work what ecosystem services are how they are valued and relevance to a range of policy areas. Following the workshop which was described as an 'extraordinarily effective use of time' a workshop for non-specialists from other government departments will take place on 13 October in London.

Short presentations on the values and valuation of natural capital and the implications for a broad range of policy areas will be discussed in the context of illustrative examples such as biofuels farming and town planning.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Dr Bhaskar Vira (Dept of Geography Cambridge);
  • Professor Andrew Balmford (Dept of Zoology Cambridge);
  • Professor William Sutherland (Dept of Zoology Cambridge);
  • Pippa Gravestock (University of York);
  • Professor Peter Guthrie (Head of the Centre for Sustainable Development Cambridge); and
  • Professor David Spiegelhalter (Statistical Laboratory Cambridge).
  • 16:30 Arrive / tea
  • 16:45 Presentations chaired by Dr Mike Rands Cambridge Conservation Initiative
  • Introduction with some examples
  • What are ecosystems services
  • Cross-sectoral linkages (Bio-fuels example)
  • Spatial Implications (Town Planning example)
  • Temporal implications (Fisheries example)
  • Summary & conclusions
  • 18:45 Drinks
  • 19:15 Dinner with discussants chaired by Dr David Cleevely CSaP
  • 21:00 Close

Participation at this workshop is by invitation only. If you would like more information please send an email to: events@csap.cam.ac.uk.

  • In news articles

    What price biodiversity?

    The Centre’s latest Policy Workshop – The Values and Valuation of Natural Capital, organised jointly with the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI) at the Institute for Government on 13 October – brought together policy makers from Defra, DECC, CLG, DfE, BIS and DfT, alongside zoologists, economists, engineers, geographers and conservation scientists.