Professor Akshay Rao

Professor of Physics at Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge


Professor of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory

Akshay is Professor of Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. His research group is focussed on developing new materials and tools that can help drive the energy transition. Examples of the groups works include developing new technologies that can enhance the efficiency of Si solar cells beyond current physics limits, and developing new tools that can provide unprecedented insights into battery materials and thus cut the development time of new battery technologies. Akshay is founder of Cambridge Photon Technology which is working to enhance the efficiency of Si solar cells and Illumion which is developing new tools for battery researchers in academia and industry. See the Rao Group website for more.

Akshay obtained his BSc from St Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, in 2006 and MSc from the University of Sheffield in 2007. He completed his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2011, following which he held a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) at Corpus Christi College, before establishing his independent research group in 2015. He was awarded the Henry Moseley Medal and Prize of the Institute of Physics for “exceptional early career contributions to experimental physics” and has also been awarded an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship and ERC grants.

Rao Group Website