Professor in Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge
Professor Oliver’s research focuses on metaphysics, logic and philosophy of mathematics; in addition he conducts much research in the area of Philosophy and Public Affairs. As a result he co-founded The Forum for Philosophy in Business which brought together philosophers and academics. in cognate disciplines. with practitioners at the highest levels of government and businesses.
Prior to his current role, Professor Oliver worked as a Research Fellow at Gonville and Caius, where he is now the Director of Studies in Philosophy, in addition he is a Fellow of the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge. He has also undertaken consultancy work in the public and private sectors on topics such as customer loyalty, educational strategy, and corporate values.
Professor Oliver was awarded a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship for 2002-4, and a University Pilkington Teaching Prize for excellence in teaching 2005. He has also been appointed as the Mind Association's Senior Research Fellow for 2012-13. This fellowship is awarded to a senior academic in a UK institution of higher education, with a proven track record of high quality research in any area of Philosophy.