Dr Andrew Chilvers

Head of Policy, Climate and Sustainability at Royal Academy of Engineering

Policy Advisor, Royal Academy of Engineering
Policy Fellow Alumnus, Centre for Science and Policy

As a Policy Advisor at the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), Andrew works to advise government across a number of areas in engineering policy including energy and the environment, manufacturing, infrastructure and the built environment. Recent examples of policy work include a study on the sustainability of liquid biofuels, commissioned by BEIS and the DfT, workshops to inform the government’s industrial strategy and an ongoing initiative seeking to explore, develop and test potential contributions of systems engineering to policymaking. He also undertakes initiatives that support the RAEng’s leadership role in the engineering profession, including activities exploring the responsibilities of engineers in relation to climate change and a recent review and redraft of the Statement of Ethical Principles for the Engineering Profession, undertaken with the Engineering Council. A key part of Andrew’s role is to understand and leverage the expertise of the Academy’s Fellowship, comprising 1,500 engineers elected from across industry, academia, research and enterprise.

Prior to joining the Academy, Andrew trained as an environmental engineer before undertaking doctoral research at University College London (UCL). This research focused on how engineers engage with social and environmental considerations in and through their work. This was sponsored by and focused on the global design and engineering consultancy, Arup.

Andrew has also completed postdoctoral research at UCL as part of the EPSRC Liveable Cities programme, where his focus was on the policy and governance dimensions of the programme. He is an Honorary Lecturer at UCL’s Department for Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP).