Consultation Team Lead, Child Poverty Unit
Junior Policy Fellow Alum, Centre for Science and Policy
In 2007, after reading War Studies at King’s College London, Frank Davies moved to Cairo, Egypt to study Arabic. Whist in Cairo he worked as a Journalist and for the Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women, tutoring a cadre of future community leaders from the poorest areas of the city.
He joined the civil service fast stream in 2010. He has held policy roles in the Central Strategy Unit of the Department for Work and Pensions and the Security and Resilience team at the Department of Energy and Climate Change. He is currently leading a public consultation on better measures of child poverty in the government’s Child Poverty Unit (which is jointly sponsored by the Department for Education, the Department for Work and Pensions, and HM Treasury).
During his Fellowship Frank will focus on the role of social policy interventions in security policy, with particular reference to developed and middle-income countries.