Guy Cohen

Policy and Strategy Lead at Privitar Ltd

Policy and Strategy Lead, Privitar Ltd
Policy Fellow Alumnus, Centre for Science and Policy

Guy Cohen graduated from the University of Bristol in 2011 with a BSc in Physics and Philosophy. He then spent two years working for the John Smith Memorial Trust, a charity aiming to build the Rule of Law and develop democratic institutions in the Former Soviet Union and the Middle East and North Africa.

He joined the Civil Service Fast Stream in 2013, working in policy in the Department of Health, as a commercial analyst in the Cabinet Office, in finance when on secondment, and in operations for HMRC. In HMRC he managed a team working in Strategy, supporting career management, succession planning and information management projects, and leading on the development of data systems for workforce planning and on the development of a machine learning pilot.

In 2016 he left the civil service to take up a strategy role in Privitar, a developer of solutions which allow for data scientists to mine data sets using machine learning algorithms, whilst preserving the privacy of individuals within those data sets.

  • 11 June 2020, 11am

    Annual Conference Virtual Seminar Series: Privacy enhancing technologies

    The fifth seminar in the annual conference virtual seminar series will be on the topic of privacy enhancing technologies with expert speakers from Privitar, the Royal Society and Warwick University.

  • 2 March 2017

    What will the internet of the future look like?

    Join us for this one-day workshop. The future internet will no longer just be smart phone apps and the Cloud, largely deployed in the richest 20% of the world for knowledge, fun and profit. It will be the Internet of drones, the Internet of AIs, the Internet of the developing world. It will also be the Internet of truth, lies and mixed realities.

  • In news articles

    The impact of ride sharing apps on urban mobility

    Planning for the future of urban mobility balances the need to reduce the amount of cars on the road whilst also maximising access to transportation. A meeting for CSaP's Policy Fellows considered 'The Future of Urban Mobility'.