Dr Hayaatun Sillem

Chief Executive at Royal Academy of Engineering

Chief Executive, The Royal Academy of Engineering
Policy Leaders Fellow Alumna, Centre for Science and Policy

Hayaatun Sillem has worked for the Royal Academy of Engineering since 2006 and held the post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director of Strategy until her appointment as CEO in 2017. She previously served as Committee Specialist and later Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee.

Hayaatun has extensive leadership experience in UK and international engineering and innovation policy and programmes. She is also a trustee of the London Transport Museum and Semta, and a trustee and judge for the St Andrew’s Prize for the Environment.

Hayaatun has a Masters in Biochemistry (MBiochem) from the University of Oxford and a PhD in signal transduction from University College London. She is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

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