Henry Booth

Head of Strategic Security at Joint DESNZ-FCDO International Energy Unit

Head of Strategic Security, Joint DESNZ-FCDO International Energy Unit

Henry Booth is Head of Strategic Security for the Joint DESNZ-FCDO International Energy Unit, working across government to develop policy on the security implications of climate change and the energy system. Prior to this Henry was Assistant Defence Attaché to the British Embassy in Tokyo and Liaison Officer to the United Nations Command, 2019-2021. Henry has previously worked as a Senior Policy Advisor for COP26 and on European business engagement for Brexit. Henry has also held senior managerial positions in FMCG business and Non-Executive Directorships. Henry is a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, has a MA from the University of Aberdeen, and is a Captain in the Army Reserve.

  • 24 April 2024, 5:30pm

    2024 CSaP Annual Cleevely Lecture: Dr Dave Smith, National Technology Adviser

    The Government, science policy, and products - from concept to consumer: After six months as the first full time National Technology Adviser, Dave Smith will reflect on how UK government investment in the science base supports our private sector and how the Science and Technology Framework guides government innovation policy today.