Professor James Wilsdon

Professor of Research Policy at University College London (UCL), Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)

Director, Research on Research Institute (RoRI)
Professor of Research Policy, UCL-STEaPP

James is Professor of Research Policy at UCL's Department of Science, Technology, Engineering & Public Policy (STEaPP). He also directs the Research on Research Institute (RoRI), which was founded in 2019 with a mission to accelerate transformative research on research systems, cultures and decision-making. RoRI's consortium includes research funders from 15 countries, who between them invest over US$25 billion each year in R&D.

Over his career, in addition to academic posts at the universities of Sheffield, Sussex and Lancaster, James has worked in think tanks, NGOs and as director of science policy for the Royal Society. He has also co-founded or chaired the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA); People & Planet; the Campaign for Social Science; and the UK Forum for Responsible Research Metrics.

  • Projects

    Future Directions for Scientific Advice in Europe

    The second in a two-part collection, Future Directions for Scientific Advice in Europe was published in April 2015 and updated in June 2015 to take account of developments in the European Commission.

  • 14 April 2015, 6pm

    The role of evidence and analysis in effective policy making

    To commemorate 50 years since the death of Churchill and 75 years since he became Prime Minister, the Centre for Science and Policy and Churchill College are jointly organising a distinguished panel discussion to discuss the role of evidence and analysis in effective policy making.

  • 14 April 2015, 10am

    CSaP Annual Conference 2015

    This year our conference will explore opportunities for improving the way government accesses, assesses and makes use of expertise from the humanities, and offer examples of the significant contribution these disciplines have made to public policy.

  • In news articles

    Where next for scientific advice in Europe?

    On 27 April 2015 the report Future Directions for Scientific Advice in Europe was launched at a high-level summit in Brussels.

  • In news articles

    Is there a place for the humanities in climate change policy?

    A discussion on the multiple dimensions of climate change with a particular focus on the incorporation of the humanities featured three engaging speakers from backgrounds in both academia and the private sector. The session was chaired by Professor James Wilsdon, a lecturer in science policy at the University of Sussex.