
Is there a place for the humanities in climate change policy?

23 April 2015


Report by Sarah Connors, NERC-Funded CSaP Policy Intern (March 2015 - May 2015)

The CSaP annual conference saw a discussion of the multiple dimensions of climate change with a particular focus on the incorporation of the humanities. This session featured three engaging speakers from backgrounds in both academia and the private sector. The session was chaired by James Wilsdon, a lecturer in science policy at the University of Sussex.

You can read the full story on the Centre for Science and Policy blog.

You can listen to a recording of the talk here.

(Banner image from Lawrence OP via Flickr)

Amy Mount

European Climate Foundation

Arthur Petersen

University College London (UCL)

Professor Paul Warde

Faculty of History, University of Cambridge

Professor James Wilsdon

University College London (UCL), Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)

  • 14 April 2015, 10am

    CSaP Annual Conference 2015

    This year our conference will explore opportunities for improving the way government accesses, assesses and makes use of expertise from the humanities, and offer examples of the significant contribution these disciplines have made to public policy.