Dr Jamie Vicary

Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge
Royal Society University Research Fellow

Jamie is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge, working as part of the Cambridge Logical Structures Hub (CLASH) research group.

Jamie's research aims to develop new logical and structural techniques, with the goal to transform the way we compute in the future, across a range of areas including quantum and classical computation. He is a passionate evangelist for the transformational change quantum computers will create in our society, and is an experienced communicator on quantum topics across the industry, academia and policy spheres. He is active in media engagement and public outreach, and has commented on quantum computation in the media, including an interview on the BBC's Breakfast programme, as well as for various radio and online news articles.

  • 24 April 2024, 5:30pm

    2024 CSaP Annual Cleevely Lecture: Dr Dave Smith, National Technology Adviser

    The Government, science policy, and products - from concept to consumer: After six months as the first full time National Technology Adviser, Dave Smith will reflect on how UK government investment in the science base supports our private sector and how the Science and Technology Framework guides government innovation policy today.