Research Associate in Energy Economics, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Dr Karim Anaya is a Research Associate in Energy Economics at the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge Her research interests include climate change policies, sustainable and green energy technologies, distributed generation and renewable commercial agreements. She is also interested in the quality of supply in electricity distribution markets, benchmarking for price regulation, liberalisation and cost benefit analysis of public utilities in developing countries.
Karim holds a PhD degree in Energy Economics and a Master degree in Technology Policy from University of Cambridge, Judge Business School. She has worked for more than ten years in the public utility regulatory arena with focus on energy, telecommunications and water. She has been a consultant for different organisations and companies such as United Nations, World Bank, AT Kearney, public utilities regulators, among others. At the present she is involved in the Flexible Plug and Play Low Carbon Networks Project from UK Power Networks. Her main role is to explore and analyse the international experience in commercial arrangements for connecting renewable generating facilities to the distribution network (distributed generation) using smart technologies.