Deputy Director for Economic Statecraft at the Ministry of Defence
Policy Fellow, Centre for Science and Policy
Mohib is currently Deputy Director for Economic Statecraft at the Ministry of Defence. His career spans a mixture of national security, prosperity, and social policy roles.
Prior to the MOD Mohib was at the Department for International Trade as Deputy Director with responsibility for the UK’s bilateral trade policy covering North America, China & Hong Kong, and Asia Pacific. Mohib previously led policy on mergers and takeovers, competition, and postal policy at the department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. This included policy responsibility for Ministerial interventions in sensitive mergers.
Mohib spent a large part of his civil service career at the Home Office. He has led policy on human trafficking, organised crime strategy and intelligence, sponsorship of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (predecessor to the National Crime Agency), policing, and counter terrorism. He also spent a stint in the Cabinet Office on cyber security.
In the early part of his career Mohib worked on improving access to public services in the Social Exclusion Unit, and on welfare reform at the Department for Work and Pensions. Before entering the civil service, Mohib was a researcher at the New Policy Institute (think tank) where he undertook work on social exclusion and related areas and has co-authored a number of publications. He retains an interest in social policy, including on social mobility.
Mohib holds a first degree in Government from the London School of Economics and an MA in public policy from Queen Mary, University of London.