Visiting Professor, UCL
Dr Natasa Milic-Frayling has a long track record in computer science research and innovation. She specializes in inter-disciplinary design, prototyping, and evaluation of information and communication systems. Until recently, she has worked as a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK. She is a Visiting Professor at the Queen Mary University of London and the University College London.
Natasa is passionate about innovation in personal and social computing and promotes a dialogue between ICT industry, consumers, and policy makers on the issues that arise from the adoption of digital technologies. Her current focus is on digital obsolescence, automation of user tasks through end-user programming paradigms, and privacy respecting systems and applications.
During her tenure at MSR, Natasa served as a Director of Research Partnership, promoting collaboration with innovation partners on strategic challenges in ICT, including long term access to digital content (PLANETS and SCAPE EU projects). Currently, she is actively involved in the UNESCO Technology Taskforce for the PERSIST initiative, working on technical and economic solutions to preserve computation and digital heritage.
Natasa holds a Doctorate degree in Applied Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Prior to joining Microsoft in 1998, she served as Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Seton Hill College and, subsequently, as Director of Research at the Claritech Corporation, a spin-off company from CMU.
Natasa is a member of the ACM Europe Council and the ACM-WE Executive Committee. She is on the Advisory Board for the Course in Entrepreneurship at the University of Cambridge and the Turing Gateway in Mathematics at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. She is engaged in several EPSRC projects, including FAST, e-ARK, and the Science of Meaningful Consent.