Dr Quentin Stafford-Fraser

CEO at Telemarq Ltd

CEO, Telemarq

Dr Quentin Stafford-Fraser pointed a video camera at a coffee machine when he was a researcher in the University of Cambridge Computer Lab in the early 90s. The 'Trojan Room Coffee Pot' became the first webcam, and one of the most popular and famous sites on the early web. His Ph.D. then explored the use of these new digital cameras in the creation of what was just becoming known as 'Augmented Reality'. Since then, he has held research posts at Xerox EuroPARC, Olivetti Research, and AT&T Labs, focusing on novel modes of interaction between people and technology. He was also a developer of the VNC software now installed on millions of machines worldwide.

Quentin has founded or co-founded a number of technology-related startups in the UK & USA, including Ndiyo in 2001, DisplayLink in 2003, Exbiblio in 2004, Camvine in 2007, and Telemarq in 2011.

At present he is the CEO of Telemarq, a UK-based IT consultancy, and also holds a research post in the Dept of Computer Science and Technology, exploring the use of computer vision and machine learning to improve car/driver interactions. One particular interest is how the experience of car travel, and the role of car drivers, are changing, with the advent of autonomous vehicles and electric powertrains.

  • 1 February 2012, 5:30pm

    CSaP Distinguished Lecture: The intelligence stairway

    The first CSaP Distinguished Lecture in 2012 will be given by Jaan Tallinn, a co-founder of Skype, who will present a model for thinking about evolution, innovation, artificial intelligence and the future of humanity.

  • 18 November 2011, 12:30pm

    Innovation in open networks

    Joichi (Joi) Ito, Director of MIT's Media Lab and Chairman of Creative Commons, speaking on "Innovation in Open Networks", at Judge Business School