Samuel Ward

at University of York

Policy intern, Centre for Science and Policy (January - March 2021)

Samuel joined CSaP in January 2021 to conduct a 3-month internship.

Whilst at CSaP, Samuel is studying for a PhD in plasma physics and fusion energy as part of a collaboration between the University of York, ITER organization and Culham Centre for Fusion Energy. He received his MPhys from the University of Manchester in 2016.

His work at ITER and CCFE centres around improving the confinement of fast ions in complex 3D magnetic fields in the ITER tokamak, with the aim of ensuring its operational safety whilst achieving optimal performance for improving economic viability. This involves a mixture of physics and high-performance computing.

Outside of physics and computing, Samuel is interested in open science and sustainable development.

  • In news articles

    Citizen science beyond the grassroots

    Dr. Michiel Van Oudheusden discusses the countercultural origins of citizen science and how negotiations between citizens, experts, and others can prompt social change.

  • In news articles

    Transition pathways to digital agriculture in India

    Dr. Soutrik Basu and Mr. Anupam Kumar explore the pathways along which India can transition to Agriculture 4.0, a system which delivers efficient, productive and sustainable farming through its heavy use of technology.