Professor Sarah Radcliffe

Fellow at Christ's College, Cambridge

Professor of Latin American Geography, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge

Professor Sarah Radcliffe is the Professor of Latin American Geography in the Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge. Her research interests focus on four main areas:

  • Development, Social Heterogeneity and Postcolonial Governance, including recent research on "Exclusion and intersectionality in Ecuadorian indigenous women's experiences of development" (ESRC funded)
  • Geographies of contested postcolonial national identities: includes current research on "Intercultural Bilingual Education in Chilean classrooms: Exploring youth identities, multiculturalism and nationalism" (ESRC funded 2011-14)
  • Postcolonialism, Culture and Social Development: Contentious politics around development futures; includes recent work querying the extent to which Ecuador's current development policy is "postneoliberal" – see Geoforum 2012
  • Political transnationalism and development networks, including research on ethnodevelopment policy formation in Andean countries
She recently did a report for Oxfam -GIZ 2014 on Indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian women and development in Ecuador.
Professor Radcliffe joined the Department of Geography here at Cambridge in 1995. Prior to that she worked as a Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Liverpool, a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Centre of Latin American Studies in Cambridge, and finally a Lecturer in the Department of Geography, Royal Holloway in London.