Dr Silviu Petrovan

Postdoctoral Research Associate at Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge


Dr Petrovan is a Postdoctoral Research Associate -Conservation Evidence at the Conservation Science Group. Dept. Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK).

He is working as part of a team reviewing options for reducing the risk of a future pandemic of zoonotic origin, such as COVID-19. This is a continuation of the 'Solution scan of societal measures for reducing transmission of COVID-19', available here as a preprint: https://osf.io/ca5rh/files

He is broadly interested in understanding the effects of anthropogenic changes on biodiversity and improving evidence-based solutions for counteracting negative effects at population or landscape scale. His main areas of work have been on:

(1) road impacts (mortality, fragmentation, isolation, pollution) and evidence-based mitigation sollutions for amphibian and small and medium-sized mammals. This includes movement patterns and using road-based surveys for large-scale monitoring.

(2) harnessing the power of citizen science in long-term datasets for amphibians and reptiles, including for emerging diseases.

(3) how landscape management shapes the outcome of plant-animal interactions such as grazing and species distribution in relation to lagomorphs.

Prior to his current role, he was Conservation Coordinator at Froglife Trust UK- overseeing as part of senior management the strategic conservation planning, funding and implementation, coordinating conservation staff and activities between Froglife offices in London, Peterborough, Sheffield and Glasgow.

He is an Honorary Research Associate University of Hull (UK), Faculty of Science.

He has a PhD Ecology from the University of Hull, an MSc in Taxonomy and Conservation. University of Bucharest, (Romania) and a BSc in Veterinary Medicine. University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, (Romania).

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