Research Group Director, Science and Emerging Technology, RAND Europe
Susan Guthrie directs the Science and Emerging Technology group at RAND Europe. Her primary research interests are in the area of science and innovation policy, with a particular interest in evaluation, performance monitoring, and research strategy. Recent and ongoing work includes a study into decisionmaking processes in research funding; a literature review on consumer attitudes and behavious in relation to food; a review of pregnancy research priorities and funding allocation in the UK; developing metrics for the assessment of the performance of the biomedical innovation ecosystem; and an analysis of peer review processes and alternatives to peer review in the funding of research.
Guthrie has conducted research for a range of clients including the European Commission, the UK Department of Health, the Wellcome Trust, the UK Medical Research Council, the Royal Society, a number of HEIs, and a range of charities and foundations. Prior to joining RAND Europe, Guthrie was a fellow at the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, and she has previously worked at Innovia Technology, a science and innovation consultancy. She has a Ph.D. in physics and an M.Sci. (Hons) in natural sciences from the University of Cambridge.