Professor Bill Milne

Head of Electrical Engineering Division at Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Head of Electrical Engineering Division, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Dr Bill Milne is also the Director of the Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics (CAPE) and Head of the Electronic Devices and Materials group, which he founded. His research interests include large area Si and carbon based electronics, thin film materials and, most recently, MEMS and carbon nanotubes and other 1-D structures for electronic applications.

Prior to joining the University of Cambridge Department of Engineering as an Assistant lecturer in 1976, he worked at the Plessey Res Company, Caswell.

He was elected a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2006 and received the JJ Thomas medal from the IET in 2008.

His current research interests include Semi-transparent PV; Energy harvesting; Large area electronics for smart buildings; Amorphous silicon; Metal oxides; Smart Systems and Device Design; and Energy Efficiency