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Subscribe to RSS26 June 2024
Retrofitting to decarbonise housing
The need to redevelop the UK’s housing stock is one of the most pressing challenges facing the nation today. Housing accounts for 16% of the UK’s total carbon emissions, making it the second highest sector overall, after surface transport.
19 October 2023
Citizens Advice and the transition to net zero homes
In September 2023 the Cambridge Zero Policy forum met with Zoe Guijarro, Principal Policy Manager, Net Zero Homes, at Citizens Advice to discuss the transition to net zero homes, with a focus on the role of Citizens Advice.
2 November 2021
What form should the government’s levelling up agenda take?
Levelling up was an amorphous policy pledge in the Conservative Party’s 2019 manifesto. Since then, numerous academics and policy organisations have focused on what ‘levelling up’ means, and how it should be achieved. The upcoming Levelling Up White Paper is expected to specify a precise policy programme for this agenda.
8 March 2019
It’s important not to be a climate change zealot
In the penultimate seminar of the Christ’s Climate Seminar Series, Rebecca Willis, Independent Environmental Researcher, discusses the findings of a collaborative research project to investigate how politicians think and act on climate change.
4 February 2019
Developing a new approach to how we value and price environmental public goods
CSaP worked with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs to organise a Policy Workshop to explore the challenges associated with the design of England’s new Environmental Land Management system, which will come into effect after the UK leaves the European Union.
26 November 2018
Cambridge City Internship -Tree canopy analysis
An internship evaluating tree canopy cover in Cambridge city.
7 November 2018
How can we make the best use of urban green space?
CSaP's Policy Workshop, held in collaboration with the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and Grow Wild, brought together practitioners, residents, academics and local government officials together at Eastbury Manor House to discuss the best uses of small pockets of urban green space.
8 August 2017
What's next for devolution in England?
Why does it matter that we should have devolution in England? What has happened to English devolution over the past year? These are just two of the questions discussed by Jo Casebourne in this session on 'Devolution in England'.
13 June 2017
Industrial strategy and the role of place
Last month, CSaP hosted a roundtable discussion to explore the potential of the Cambridge technology cluster in the context of the UK’s Industrial Strategy.
14 February 2017
Devolution and inclusive economic growth: Lessons from Manchester
On Thursday 4 May 2017, Greater Manchester will elect its first Mayor. The creation of a directly elected Mayor is part of the process of devolving more political powers to the Greater Manchester area, helping development towards a "Northern Powerhouse".