The Royal Society of Chemistry
3 June 2013, 11:00 - 17:15
The Centre for Science and Policy, and the Nano Doctoral Training Centre (NanoDTC) at the University of Cambridge are organising a workshop for early career nanoscientists, which will take place in London on 3 June.
Sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the purpose of the workshop is to bring together policy makers and researchers in the early stage of their careers to engage in discussion and debate and think longer term about career paths and goals.
Attendees at this workshop will come primarily from nano-themed Doctoral Training Centres at Bristol, Cambridge and Manchester.
Seminar Format
Session 1: Presentations from academics who have been engaged in the policy process
Academics discuss the role they play(ed) in policy – how the process worked and the challenges they face(d).
Session 2: Break-out and report-back session
Early career researchers break into groups to discuss their ideas for improving knowledge exchange between academia and government, and feed their conclusions back to a panel of policy makers.
Session 3: Response from policy makers
The panel of policy makers responds to the earlier discussions and feedback from early career researchers, and discuss their roles in government and how science advice is sought. They will also provide advice to early career researchers on how the science community might best engage with policy makers.
Confirmed speakers & chairs include:
- Dr Jessica Bland (Technology futures: research analyst, Nesta)
- Dr Rob Doubleday (Executive Director, Centre for Science and Policy)
- Professor Richard Jones (Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Sheffield University)
- Professor Nicole Grobert (Professor of Nanomaterials, Oxford University)
- Dr Andrew Fisher (Professor of Physics, London Centre for Nanotechnology)
- Dr Mike Edbury (Head of Health and Environment, Government Office for Science)
- Dr Rob Reid (Materials Programme Manager, National Physical Laboratory)
- Dr Kay Williams (Head, International Chemicals and Nanotechnology at Defra)
Provisional Agenda
- 11:00 Arrival and Coffee
- 11:20 Welcome and Introductions
- 11:30 Session 1 (Chair: Rob Doubleday, CSaP): Presentations from academics who are/have been involved in the policy process
- 12:20 Q&A
- 12:45 Lunch
- 13:45 Session 2: Group session – early career researchers consider how the relationship between science and policy could be improved
- 14:45 Feedback to panel of policy makers
- 15:00 Session 3 (Chair: Dr Jessica Bland, Nesta): Response from policy makers
- 15:50 Q&A and discussion
- 16:15 Wrap up
- 16:30 Drinks & networking
- 17:15 Close
For more information, please contact Jackie Ouchikh.
This workshop has been sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Nano Doctoral Training Centre at Cambridge.
Mike Edbury
Government Office for Science (GO-Science)
Professor Andrew Fisher
London Centre for Nanotechnology
Professor Nicole Grobert
University of Oxford
Professor Richard Jones
University of Manchester
Dr Kay Williams
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
Jessica Bland
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER)
Dr Rob Doubleday
Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge
Dr Aga Iwasiewicz-Wabnig
Maxwell Centre, University of Cambridge
Jackie Ouchikh
Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge
In news articles
Nanotechnology policy: practical advice for early-career researchers
On 3 June, CSaP partnered with the Cambridge NanoDTC and the Royal Society of Chemistry to host a career development day for PhD students interested in nanotechnology policy.