Deputy Director ARC East of England and ARC Fellowship programme lead
A medical doctor with degrees in business, law and public health, Christine practised as a hospital clinician and GP before doing an MBA and moving into senior management and hospital director roles in both the state and private healthcare sector in South Africa. Moving back to the UK in 1999, she worked at director level in private hospitals in Manchester and London before joining the NHS as a senior manager in 2005. Returning to medicine in 2006, Christine trained in public health medicine in Cambridge and became an NHS Consultant in 2010. Christine’s special interests include translation of research into policy and practice, health policy and management, and screening in disease prevention. Christine teaches health policy on the MPhil in Public Health at the University of Cambridge where she is a Graduate Supervisor for MPhil students. Christine holds Masters degrees in Business Administration, Law (in Legal Aspects of Medical Practice), Public Health, and is a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians.