Head of Affective Intelligence & Robotics Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge
Hatice Gunes is a Professor of Affective Intelligence and Robotics (AFAR) and the Director of the AFAR Lab at the University of Cambridge's Department of Computer Science and Technology. Her expertise is in the areas of affective and wellbeing computing cross-fertilising research in social signal processing, multimodal interaction, computer vision, machine learning and human-robot interaction (HRI). She has published over 180 papers in these areas, with most recent works on emotion, affect, and personality computing; generative AI; continual and federated learning; affective and socially assistive robotics, and longitudinal human-robot interactions; and fairness and responsible computing. Her research has been supported by various competitive grants, with funding from Google, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK (EPSRC), Innovate UK, W.D. Armstrong Trust, British Council, Alan Turing Institute and the EU Horizon 2020. Prof Gunes has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, and Image and Vision Computing Journal, and has guest edited many Special Issues. Her other research highlights include Best Paper Award in Responsible Affective Computing at IEEE ACII’23, Outstanding PC Award at ACM/IEEE HRI’23, RSJ/KROS Distinguished Interdisciplinary Research Award Finalist at IEEE RO-MAN’21, Distinguished PC Award at IJCAI’21, Best Paper Award Finalist at IEEE RO-MAN’20, Finalist for the 2018 Frontiers Spotlight Award, Outstanding Paper Award at IEEE FG’11, and Best Demo Award at IEEE ACII’09. Prof Gunes is the former President of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (2017-2019), is the General Co-Chair of ACM ICMI 2024, and was the General Co-Chair of ACII 2019, and the Program Co-Chair of ACM/IEEE HRI 2020 and IEEE FG 2017. She is currently a Fellow of the EPSRC, a Staff Fellow of Trinity Hall, and was previously a Faculty Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute.