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  • 26 October 2023

    Institutional memory in the civil service

    Professor Heather Lovell, Professor of Energy and Society at the University of Tasmania, presented her current research programme at the first online seminar for CSaP Policy Fellows in the new academic year, as part of our series, ‘Public Policy and Practice: challenges and opportunities’.
  • 17 July 2023

    Adolescent brain development

    On 29 June, CSaP invited Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, to give a lecture on adolescent brain development – what we know and what it means for policy. The lecture took place at Trinity College, Cambridge.
  • 22 May 2023

    Treading water in the Taiwan Strait: China-Taiwan relations

    Professor William Hurst, Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development at the Department of Politics and International Studies and Deputy Director for the Centre for Geopolitics, University of Cambridge, delivered the second of CSaP’s online seminars for Policy Fellows on the theme of Geopolitics: Nationhood, conflict, and identity.
  • 20 February 2023

    Uncertainty and expertise in geopolitics, health, and infrastructure

    CSaP's Horn Fellowship and members of the Policy Fellowship network met with Cambridge academics to shed light on some the uncertainty witnessed in 2022 and what we might expect to see in 2023.
  • 16 February 2023

    Evidence Analysis and Decision-Making in Policy

    The Centre for Science and Policy launches a new online course in collaboration with Cambridge Advance Online. The 6-week course will provide learners with analytical tools and frameworks to deeply understand the problems they may be facing, improve their decision-making processes, and produce effective, evidence-based policy solutions.
  • 8 February 2023

    Innovating our way to Clean Tech - Insights from Dowling Policy Fellowship meeting

    The third meeting of CSaP’s Dowling Policy Fellowship was designed to stimulate discussion around the subject of clean tech, with talks from a variety of academics and innovators from the Cambridge ecosystem.
  • 29 March 2021

    Giving Advice to Government: Insights for Early Career Researchers

    How should researchers synthesise diverse evidence and construct compelling answers to policy questions? What are the differences between being an honest broker of information and an issue advocate? How can early-career researchers get involved with the world of policy?
  • 28 May 2019

    Civil Service Fast-streamers and Scientific Researchers team up at Professional Development Workshop

    CSaP's latest professional development workshop brought together Civil Service Science and Engineering Fast Streamers (SEFS) and Early Careers Researchers (ECRs) from the University of Cambridge.
  • 11 May 2019

    So you want to work in policy?

    Many PhD students and postdocs are uncertain about what career path they want to take. A workshop organised by CSaP for the Earth System Science DTP and EnvEast DTP provided insights to help researchers consider their options.
  • 20 July 2018

    Policy Internships Scheme - call open

    The research councils organise the Policy Internships Scheme for current research council-funded PhD students to work at host partner organisations on one or more policy topics relevant to both the student and the host.