CEO, Beds and Herts Local Medical Committee
Policy Fellow Alumna, Centre for Science and Policy
Karen Livingstone is CEO of the Beds and Herts LMC (Local Medical Committee) , the LMC are the representative voice for GPs in the local system – providing pastoral/business and policy support to GPs.
Previous to this she was Director of Partnerships and Industry Engagement for the Eastern Academic Health Science Network and the National Director for SBRI Healthcare, having supported the Network to develop its role in economic development and wealth creation.
Karen also leads the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) for NHS England where small enterprises are funded to develop technology solutions for healthcare problems and supports the work of the Innovations team in their relationships with industry.
Formerly Director of NHS Midlands and East she supported the work of the regional health authority and the Public Health Team to promote closer working across all government. Karen led on relations with Local Government supporting the development of Health and Wellbeing Boards across the Midlands and East Cluster area.
A Board member of the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) Karen championed the work of the RDA in business development, communications, and equal opportunities. Karen was also board member of EEIDB, the service provider for Business link in the East of England. The Business Link service provided specialist business advice and support to start ups, SMEs and high growth companies across the region.
Before joining the team at the regional health authority Karen worked as a special adviser to the then Secretary of State for Health – Patricia Hewitt MP. With a specific remit to handle media and communications she also had responsibility for managing relationships with national stakeholders representing employer, patient and community interests.
Prior to her role in Westminster Karen was a campaigns and communications director for several national Trades Unions, the Labour Party and voluntary sector organisations.