Dr Molly Morgan Jones

Director of Policy at British Academy

Director of Policy at The British Academy
Policy Fellow, Centre for Science and Policy

Dr Molly Morgan Jones is the Director of Policy at The British Academy. Molly oversees all the Academy’s policy work, on topics ranging from the future of the corporation to dilemmas of democracy, understanding cohesive societies, and overseeing our policy activities which provide leadership and support for our disciplines in a changing and dynamic research and higher education ecosystem.

Prior to joining the Academy, Molly was an Associate Director and then Senior Research Leader with RAND Europe where she specialised in national and international research and innovation policy. Molly has also worked for the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). She has a DPhil in Science and Technology Policy from the University of Sussex and a BA in Biology from Northwestern University.

  • In news articles

    Social Infrastructure and Levelling Up Our Communities

    Expenditure on social infrastructure may not provide the capital or jobs that show 'value for money' directly, but may head off social problems and economic costs in the future. Can and should we trust local areas to drive their own policy decisions? Or should we have a more 'joined up' national agenda?