Reader in Human Resources and Organisations, and ESRC Mid-Career Fellow, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Prior to joining Cambridge Judge Business School, Paul was Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at Warwick Business School. He has also held posts at the School of Geography at Oxford University and the Centre for Entrepreneurship at the University of Newcastle. He presently holds an Economic and Social Research Council (ERSC) Mid-Career Fellowship (April 2011-March 2013).
Much of Paul’s current work is focused on community-based entrepreneurship. As part of his ESRC Fellowship he spent eight months as a participant observer at Keystone Development Trust, a community enterprise in the East of England. While at Keystone he studied the strategic challenges faced by organizations located in poor places that seek to promote economic development, support marginalized people, and build community cohesion. He is also involved in research projects on entrepreneurship in emerging markets and the geography of innovation.
His current research interests include
- Entrepreneurship
- Institutions and institutional change
- Regional innovation
- Social innovation