Dr Sabesan Sithamparanathan

at Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Tucker-Price Junior Research Fellow in Science, Girton College

Dr. Sabesan is currently carrying out research on ‘Low-Cost Ubiquitous Passive RFID Real Time Location Sensing System’. The system will enable retailers, airlines and other businesses to inexpensively and effectively monitor an item’s locations in real time.

A major objective of the approach is to overcome the limited range for reliable detection passive tags, which could enable antennas to be placed with spacings of 20m – comparable with conventional wifi spacings. This project has seen engagement from airlines, for whom this system has the potential to save millions of pounds. Retail groups have been involved due to the utility of this product in tagging items and for the advancement of self-service checkouts.

This work is supported by the Girton College Tucker-Price Junior Research Fellowship, the Boeing Company and the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) funded PULSE project.

Prior to his current role Dr Sabesan worked with University spin off company ARM as a student IP Electronic Engineer, before completing his MPhil and later PhD in 'Passive RFID real time sensing system for intelligent infrastructure'. He currently has two patents pending for his work into RFID.

He has received a number of awards, including the UK EPSRC ICT Pioneers Connected World Award, as well as the The Royal Academy of Engineering ERA Foundation Entrepreneurs Award 2011. He is chairman of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Cambridge Younger Professionals Committee and a recent appointee to Fellowship of the ERA Foundation.

  • 24 September 2012, 6pm

    BBC World Service Forum Programme on Education

    CSaP is hosting a discussion programme in front of a live audience, for the BBC World Service Forum programme, which takes place at 6pm on 24 September at Murray Edwards College in Cambridge – the first time the Forum has been hosted at the University.