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Christ's College Climate Seminars

The Christ's College Climate Seminar Series was established in 2014 thanks to a donation from Charles Kennel, Honarary Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. Each series of seminars considers aspects of climate-related research and developments that are likely to have significant implications for climate policy.

A recording of each seminar can be seen by clicking on the links below


2024 - On nature, biodiversity and climate: In his talk, Sir Patrick Vallance, Chair of The Natural History Museum and former Government Chief Scientific Adviser, explores the inextricably linked challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change.

2023 - Climate change: practical politics for the 2020s: The 2023 Christ's College Climate Seminar Series focussed on the big questions facing UK policy makers as they seek to accelerate action on climate change in the face of geopolitical challenges.

2022 - Climate change and sustainability after Glasgow: Following the COP 26 conference in Glasgow in November 2021, we hosted a series of seminars to explore challenges facing policymakers working to make the UK more sustainable and achieve its 2050 net zero target.

2021 - Achieving change for population and planetary health post pandemic: This series examined ways in which effective action against population and planetary threats might be achieved through a focus on framing, public participation, and an appreciation of place.

2020 - UK policy in the lead up to COP26: In the UK policy in the lead up to the COP26 UN Climate Change, this sesries explored practical altruism and the crisis of the Anthropocene, ahallenges and opportunities from net zero and economic and fiscal choices as we transition to net zero.

2019 - How business is learning to cooperate in pursuit of climate action: The series focused on solutions to climate change; by the people, for the people, investigating how politicians understand and act on climate change, and strategies for achieving serious international cooperation on climate change,

2018- Thinking Creativity about Climate Change This series shed light on different meanings of climate change, to engage the imagination and to explore the range of cultural and political responses to climate change.

2017 - In it for the long run: What institutional arrangements, knowledge and politics are required to tackle climate change in the coming decades?

2016 - Bending the Curve on Climate: This series of seminars explored practical solutions to meeting the commitments made at Paris 2015.

2015 - Climate and sustainability in multiple dimensions: The series explored the cultural framings of climate change to ask whether human understanding of global warming has affected our response to climate change.

2014 - Adaptation to climate change: Avoid the Unmanageable, Manage the Unavoidable: What can we expect from the climate in the coming decades, and what might we do?

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