Dr Simon Ford

Senior Research Associate at Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge

Senior Research Associate, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge

Dr Simon Ford is a Research Associate in the Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge. He joined the IfM's Centre for Technology Management in January 2007. He is currently working with Nicky Athanassopoulou on the European Commission FP7 project Road2SoS and is leading the "Organising the front-end of innovation" project in the Centre for Technology Management's Strategic Technology and Innovation Management (STIM) Consortium.

Dr Ford's previous research projects include:

  • Development of the Type 23 Fleet Upkeep Planning Tool with Clive Kerr as part of the 'Delivering through-life capability' project in the KT-Box project
  • 'The managing creations and transitions project', part of the Emerging Industries Programme (EIP) with Michèle Routley, Rob Phaal and Eoin O'Sullivan
  • The ‘Early stage technology acquisition and protection’ project with Letizia Mortara
  • Investigating how established firms generate breakthrough innovations on the Innovation and Productivity Grand Challenge (IPGC) external link

Before joining CTM as a research associate, Simon also completed his PhD at the centre on the subject of technological obsolescence.