Professor Christoph Loch

Professor of Operations & Technology Management at Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), University of Cambridge


Professor of Operations & Technology Management, and Co-Director of the Cambridge Centre for Chinese Management, Cambridge Judge Business School

Director of the INSEAD Israel Research Center (2008-2011) and Dean of the PhD Programme (Sep 2006-Aug 2009), INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France. Associate (client consulting team member), McKinsey & Company, San Francisco, USA, and Munich, Germany (Oct 1991-Dec 1993). Strategic Analyst (competitor and industry analyses), Siemens AG, Munich, Germany (Summers 1986-1989). Lecturer (evening MBA course on Management Science and undergraduate course in Operations Management), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA (Jan-Jul 1987). Non-executive Director of educational software start-up company Prendo (2000-present).

Professor Loch has been the Chairman of the Behavioral Operations Management section of INFORMS (2008-2010), Department Editor for both Management Science(R&D and Innovation department) (2004-2009) and Production and Operations Management (2003-2007, and the special issue on behavioural operations management in 2011), and Associate Editor of Management Science, (2000-2004, 2009-2011), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM) (2003-2011) and Operations Research (1998-2004).

Previous appointments. Prior to joining the School, Professor Loch was the GlaxoSmithKline Chaired Professor of Corporate Innovation (2006-2011), Professor of Technology and Operations Management (2001-2011) and Assistant and Associate Professor (1994-2001) at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France. From 2009 to 2010 he was Visiting Professor of Operations Management at the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, and in 2002 and 2003 was Visiting Professor in the Information Dynamics Lab at Hewlett Packard Labs in Palo Alto, California.

Research interests. How organisations make innovation happen; this includes innovation in products as well as processes and practices, and it focuses on what happens on the ground rather than just strategising at an aggregate level. The topic is interdisciplinary and stretches from project management and processes (operations), to strategic portfolios and strategy deployment (strategy), to organisational structures and cultural habits (sociology), and to the motivation of educated and autonomous personnel (psychology).

Specifically, Professor Loch's research interests span six broad areas: concurrent engineering and coordination in complex systems; managing highly novel, uncertain and ambiguous initiatives; resource allocation, portfolio management, and strategy deployment; performance measurement in R&D and uncertain projects; incentives, motivation and cultural evolution (behavioural economics); and manufacturing management and strategy deployment.