Research Associate, CSaP
Visiting Research Fellow, UNRISD
Moira has been leading our ESRC-funded Policy Challenges programme (2013-15). She also holds a Visiting Research Fellowship at the UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) in Geneva and heads the 'NetworksMatter' consultancy. Additionally, she is a member of a UKCDS network exploring the implications of systems research for funders, researchers and practitioners in international development. She has advised DfID on their research strategy and UNESCO on the Education for All Global Monitoring Report.
In her PhD at POLIS at the University of Cambridge, Moira opened a new perspective on ‘network strategy’ in global policy networks. She led an extensive programme of policy research and advocacy in her previous role as Oxfam GB’s Head of Education and Youth Policy (UK). Prior to this, Moira worked in senior managerial roles in the private sector in China and Spain. She has successfully completed consultancies for organisations in the academic, government, private and voluntary sectors. Moira holds a PGCE from the University of Oxford and two MScs from Southampton University, in Global Politics and International Relations.