Dr Paul Sanderson

Research Associate, Centre for Business Research at Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), University of Cambridge

Research Associate, Centre for Business Research, Cambridge Judge Business School

Dr Paul Sanderson is a Research Associate at the Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Judge Business School from where he gained his PhD in regulatory decision-making in 2001. He is also Senior Lecturer in Management, Faculty of Business and Law, Anglia Ruskin University. He has led and/or taught on numerous social science degree courses but his current teaching focus is on supervising PhD and Prof.Doc postgraduate students. As an active lead researcher for the past sixteen years he has won 16 social science research calls with a total value of more than £2.25m. Projects completed include an examination of the implications for outcomes of switching venues for medical disciplinary hearings, the use of the ‘comply-or-explain ‘principle in corporate governance, impediments to data-sharing amongst UK regulators and the disposition of regulatees to comply with regulatory codes. He has also investigated the implications for the housing market of parents supporting their children in house purchase and the role of institutional investors in corporate accountability.

His research has been for and funded primarily by UK government and associated agencies including the Economic and Social Research Council, Department of Business, Enterprise and Industrial Strategy, the Professional Standards Authority, the Social Mobility Commission, the Tenant Services Authority and the General Medical Council. As an expert in regulation and compliance he has been invited guest speaker at functions organised by various bodies including the Institute of Chartered Accountants in London, and BNP Paribas in Paris. Recent publications have addressed aspects of the UK corporate governance code principle of comply-or-explain, factors inhibiting inter-regulator data-sharing, and the behavioural impacts on adjudicators of switching from public to private regulatory disciplinary settings.

  • 14 April 2015, 6pm

    The role of evidence and analysis in effective policy making

    To commemorate 50 years since the death of Churchill and 75 years since he became Prime Minister, the Centre for Science and Policy and Churchill College are jointly organising a distinguished panel discussion to discuss the role of evidence and analysis in effective policy making.