Charlene Rohr

at RAND Europe

Senior Research Leader, RAND Europe

Charlene Rohr’s main areas of interest are estimation of discrete choice models using revealed preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) data sources. She has been involved in developing transport demand forecasting models for in Scandinavia, Europe, Australia, and the UK and has contributed to the design and analysis of stated preference surveys in transport, health, and communication sectors.

Her recent projects have included a travel demand study to quantify demand for long-distance travel to examine key transport policies, including appraisal of high-speed rail, national road pricing, and motorway and airport expansion; a travel demand study to examine whether new roads generate traffic; a stated preference study to examine customers' willingness to pay for improved electricity distribution services and a stated preference study to quantify the value of postal delivery services.

Her research interests include

  • Discrete Choice Modelling
  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Survey Research Methodology
  • Transportation Modelling