Dr Mukesh Kumar

Research Associate at Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge

University Lecturer in Operations Management, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge

Mukesh Kumar is a University lecturer at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge. He is based at the Institute for Manufacturing and leading research on industrial resilience.

His research interest for the field of risk management and manufacturing came from early career in the financial industry where he was responsible for corporate evaluation of investment decisions made by manufacturing companies. In 2005 he commenced PhD studies in IfM Cambridge, in the area of manufacturing investment decision making from risk and network resilience perspectives to leverage and extend his specialist knowledge in this area. After completion of a PhD, Sealed Air Corporation funded an industrial project to operationalise PhD research outcomes into a manufacturing investment risk evaluation tool, specifically focusing on plant location decisions and technology selection. He secured departmental funds to extend work on risk, resilience and sustainability, which were emergent fields in the area of manufacturing and supply network research. This promising line of research enabled him to then secure further grant from Three Guineas Trust in 2013 to explore “climate change implications for global food supply chains” in collaboration with IfM, 4CMR and British Antarctic Survey. Since then his research has included food product safety management from developed and developing country perspectives, risk evaluation in pharmaceutical supply, and environment sustainability assessment in global supply networks in four sectors - food, pharmaceuticals, automotive and aerospace. His research continues to focus on sustainability and resilience but closely related to the emerging manufacturing paradigm of “Distributed Manufacturing”.

  • 15 May 2024, 3pm

    Policy Workshop: The future of critical minerals supply chains

    CSaP organised this workshop in partnership with the Energy Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge and the Department for Business and Trade (DBT). The event brought together stakeholders from academia, policy, and industry for a roundtable discussion under the Chatham House rule.

  • 15 June 2017, 4pm

    Innovative climate risk assessment

    The purpose of this workshop is to explore the potential for longer term research initiatives at Cambridge to develop data science methods for more useful climate risk assessments.