Dr Shafiq Ahmed

Energy SRI Coordinator at Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge

Co-ordinator, energy@Cambridge Strategic Research Initiative, University of Cambridge

Shafiq Ahmed is the Co-ordinator for the Energy@Cambridge Strategic Research Initiative at the University of Cambridge. The Energy SRI connects over 250 academics across the university who are working on energy research. By helping researchers connect across disciplines, the SRI develops teams working on larger-scale projects such as energy policy, energy efficiency, and sustainable energy.

Shafiq holds a PhD in Materials Science from the University of Oxford, and an MPhys in Physics from the University of Bath. He has worked on a number of programmes building strategic partnerships, collaborations and networks in academia and industry.

  • 15 May 2024, 3pm

    Policy Workshop: The future of critical minerals supply chains

    CSaP organised this workshop in partnership with the Energy Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge and the Department for Business and Trade (DBT). The event brought together stakeholders from academia, policy, and industry for a roundtable discussion under the Chatham House rule.

  • 24 April 2024, 5:30pm

    2024 CSaP Annual Cleevely Lecture: Dr Dave Smith, National Technology Adviser

    The Government, science policy, and products - from concept to consumer: After six months as the first full time National Technology Adviser, Dave Smith will reflect on how UK government investment in the science base supports our private sector and how the Science and Technology Framework guides government innovation policy today.